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  • Alaa Aburumman

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    About Alaa Aburumman

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    1. I found out about this hack on epvp, and at first I was skeptical, as I typically don't prefer purchasing hacks. I decided to purchase the hack for a month for Softnyx servers, and so far, I am very impressed with the quality of the hacks. The purchasing process through Paypal was very quick and easy to complete, it updated automatically on my profile and has given me Premium softnyx subscription for a month after purchasing it. I downloaded the hack, I ran into an issue with the antivirus, however, after completing a virustotal scan, I usually trust malwarebytes when it comes to softwares, and it was undetected by malwarebytes, and I decided to trust the software. Injection process was easy to do, open the software, login to Wolfteam, and the hack auto-injects at startup, no hassle whatsoever. As for the menu, most hacks use the "insert" button in order to open up the menu, and it was the same for this hack, and so, from the get go, it was easy to navigate through. My main concern was to be able to use character and inventory hacks, as I don't really need anything else, I played around with a few of the settings in my first few hours of testing out the hack, and the hacks that I've used seem to be working without any issues or concerns. Inventory and character hacks do work, I did run into an issue where some of the items that were already in my inventory ingame had disappeared from the inventory screen, I had to turn off the inventory hack in order to be able to see them, but it isn't a big deal as they weren't equip-able items, it was mainly the GP increase items in which I wanted to see how much time was left for them. Other than that, the hacks are flawless, they work perfectly, and are easy to navigate through the menus, it is easy for any person to use the hacks and not get caught at all, hacking responsibly is always part of the fun! Overall, I would rate this hack a good 9.5/10 in terms of features, and ease of usage, only concern at the beginning was with my antivirus, however, after testing it out on a virtual machine to ensure safety and stability, it worked perfectly fine with me and I am happy to say that I will continue to use this hack for as long as I play wolfteam. Thank you HoolyHacks for creating such an impressive hack, I appreciate the effort that you've put in, and I hope to be able to continue using this for the foreseeable future!
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